Thursday, November 10, 2011

pickles the cat update....

since my post a few days ago there have been 3 more emails regarding pickles:

1. from my least favorite friend, David, with a link to Pickles the Cat's facebook page

2. two from my least favorite uncle, Uncle Kelly

Here's 1:

Right to left: Fidel, Mr. Pickles, Raúl

Mr. Pickles is an evil communist cat, born Hubert Mex Pickles in 1954. He is owned by Fidel Castro, the second most evil person in the world, and is third in succession to become el Presidente of Cuba.

There is some controversy over the nature of Mr. Pickles. Some say he is not a cat, but rather a dog in a cat suit. Some say he is a bear in a cat suit, while others protest he is Condoleeza Rice in a bear suit in a dog suit in a cat suit.

here's 2:

Oh you guys, his Pickles the Fire Cat costume, in action, was even better than I imagined

This last one shouldn't count, in my opinion, because it is just a halloween costume of the pickles the cat story posted in the last post.

I posted this for those of you who find this amusing.

I do not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That Uncle Kelly seems like really cool dude. You sure are lucky!!