Monday, November 28, 2011

i go to college: I wouldn't normally do this...

This just in...the adventures of random people that stop by my office continues:

me: [sitting at my desk working]

random student: [popping his whole self in my door] "Um, hi, I wouldn't normally do this but I'm in a hurry, so...

<< insert thoughts -- eek --- what is this going to be about? weird. oh maybe he just needs something... staples? tape? I lost my tape dispenser...I think I left it in my car after the ag alumni tailgate...hopefully it's just staples. >>

random student cont.: "can you tell me where the stairs are?"

<< insert thoughts -- really? the thing you "wouldn't normally do" is ask where the stairs are? hello lamest student ever.>>

me: "oh sure, they are right around the corner"


Jackie said...

You are hilarious

Tyler said...

I stopped reading after you said that you were sitting at your desk "working", because I don't like fiction stories.