Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday Five


1. Andy was out of town this week -- aka....there was no one to steal my stuff.  yea, why wouldn't he want to wear my sunglasses?

2. I made baby girl and Easter dress....which I forgot to take a picture this picture represents her previous lack of Easter dress....and her love for being sans clothing.

3. Baby chicks! Although I hate chickens --- they are smelly and dirty and always flapping around -- I love "farm" fresh eggs.  So 8 thumbs up to the parentals for getting chickens.  Plus J-dizzle and the 2 little-dizzles really like them.

4. Baby smiles. I mean seriously. Baby. Smiles.

5. Sugar cookies.  These yummy treats await us on Sunday.  My dad even got in on the action to show us everything we were doing wrong wand how to "follow the lines on the cookie cutter"....but he didn't really get that you did just eat every cookie that you frosted.  So his help was short lived.  This was his 1st masterpiece....before he ate it.

Happy Friday and Happy Easter!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I go to college: grumpy cat

I walked in my office today to find this had been slid under my door.....


.....I'm not sure if this is a threat or...a friendly hello...or the result of a student's chemical imbalance...

but thanks to the power of social media the culprit has been identified.  

I have also learned there has been at least 1 other victim, and potentially another to come...

(I also happen to know this individual has been angling to appear on this blog...which has resulted in several creepy photos including this pic of poor unsuspecting Cora)



Monday, March 25, 2013

This is why we can't be friends: Poop

So Andy is out of town this week -- down helping a group of community college fire science students in their week long "internship" on wildland fire.  

This week I am trying to make Cora an Easter dress.  Today I had to meet my mom and Cora for lunch to get a few last items to finish it up.  I noticed immediately that she had "that smell" about her.  So, I took her out to the car to change her pants...sure enough..full.  At which point I realized that I only had 3 wipes in the travel container...this was more like a 6 wiper.  

To recap:  Andy is off playing with fire, spending his days outside, talking non-stop about one of his favorite subjects....and I got to come back to with poop all over me.

this is why we can't be friends.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Innovative Thinkers...

Who thought of this? A hog farmer? Ferret owner? I wonder if Kindex company makes a slotted mattress with corresponding tray below that you can line with newspaper?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Five for Friday

Another Friday already!  Here's the week's highlights:

1. Discovery: As mentioned in a previous post we finally made it to the Flint Hills Discovery Center! See here for more details...

2. Wasteful spending: If you know us very well you know that we don't often engage in wasteful spending...and you also know that we don't often eat highly processed foods...but we had a great time planning for the end of our lenten no sweets penance, and indulging in some yummy frozen pizza and mozzarella sticks.  Yes, we should really plan to pace ourselves with that Easter candy.....

3. In my Easter bonnet...err dress that is. We searched for an Easter dress for little punkers, but couldn't find exactly the right I decided to try making it..that will be a next week project --- don't worry this isn't the fabric I'll be using....or the baby.... just the pattern.


4. Spring break: Okay, so I don't really have a picture of this...but spring break is for follow me with the Cora sleeping pic. :)  "spring break" here has meant freezing rain and snow for the most part, but no students so things are a little more chill.  HOWEVER, the downside of no students means high productivity...which means that list of tasks you've been putting off or dreading...yea, it's time to put on your boots and wade in.

5. March Madness: yea for brackets and basketball games! Don't worry I am DEAD LAST in all of my brackets. Cora, is actually doing pretty well.  Here she and "apa" are getting ready to cheer on the cats today!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Behold your future.

Today we finally went to the Flint Hills Discovery Center where Cora got a terrifying glimpse into what her future holds. Don't worry kid, we can sit and eat snacks together while we patiently wait for your dad.... I'm here for ya.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Five for Friday

It's FRIDAY! Yay!

The happs this week include...

1. Habemus papam! We have a Pope! I was lucky enough to watch live as he was introduced to the world -- huddled around a computer in the student office watching with our student workers - AND I LOVE HIM. I just think he is fantastic and looks like the nicest old guy.  I want to hug him.  But I'm pretty sure that is not allowed....

2. Big XII Tournament is going on and Cats win!! We will face Oklahoma State tonight -- a 9 PM...sheesh! are you kidding 9 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT?? Don't they know that some people have babies that wake up all hours of the night and I can't stay up until 11 to find out the score because I won't get any sleep.

I feel like someone should ask me about these things before creating the schedule....

3. We got back on the jogging bandwagon this week....and it has been exhausting for all of us.  Although not sure what she has to be tired about she just has to ride.

4. This was one of those weeks where I remember how lucky I am to work with students! Ambassadors had a ice cream float party, we had the Pope Watch Party, and elected some great new ambassador exec officers last night.

5. This is a low five for friday -- my office is a disaster.  No really, it is awful. Andy, if I don't come home tonight it's because I couldn't find my way to the door.  This might call for an open window pandora playing cleaning session this afternoon!


Friday, March 8, 2013

I go to college: Here kitty kitty

It's hard to say how these things start...the ingenuity of a college student?  to much free time? an instinctual desire to avoid work?  This little kitty...whose name I have already forgotten...makes his way around the office...

moving from place to place...showing up somewhere different every day.  I think it originated as a secret santa gift gone bad...

it's hard to say really how many hours these students are being paid to think of new and creative places to place him?? her???

High Five for Friday

So on a few blogs that I frequent on a regular basis they have a great "High Five for Friday" feature where they share 5 of the week's highlights.  I have been thinking of adding it here for a while, if for no other reason that it will hopefully help me get at least 1 blog up a week.  In true Kleinlife fashion I cannot guarantee it will always be a "high" five for friday...could be a "low five" or a "yes this really happened this week" five...but we'll start on a high note. Here we go:

1. We celebrated 6 months of Cora! The Lenten season means no cake...but she celebrated by starting to full on barrel roll ALL OVER THE PLACE! EEK.

2. I LOVE OUR VITAMIX. It's awesome. and every morning I get to remember how awesome it is while I spend all of 30 seconds making smoothies.

3. I'm not losing our Lenten fitness challenge.  Our family is competing by exercising and eating really official "google doc honor system tracking device" tells me that I'm not losing.  Although I'm pretty sure Andy and Shawna are behind in entering their I might be losing...but not in this moment anyway.

4. We celebrated Jordan's 3rd birthday! (technically last week)  Yes, this is clearly not a picture of him on his 3rd birthday...

5. It's 61. and awesome.