Monday, March 25, 2013

This is why we can't be friends: Poop

So Andy is out of town this week -- down helping a group of community college fire science students in their week long "internship" on wildland fire.  

This week I am trying to make Cora an Easter dress.  Today I had to meet my mom and Cora for lunch to get a few last items to finish it up.  I noticed immediately that she had "that smell" about her.  So, I took her out to the car to change her pants...sure enough..full.  At which point I realized that I only had 3 wipes in the travel container...this was more like a 6 wiper.  

To recap:  Andy is off playing with fire, spending his days outside, talking non-stop about one of his favorite subjects....and I got to come back to with poop all over me.

this is why we can't be friends.

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