Friday, March 22, 2013

Five for Friday

Another Friday already!  Here's the week's highlights:

1. Discovery: As mentioned in a previous post we finally made it to the Flint Hills Discovery Center! See here for more details...

2. Wasteful spending: If you know us very well you know that we don't often engage in wasteful spending...and you also know that we don't often eat highly processed foods...but we had a great time planning for the end of our lenten no sweets penance, and indulging in some yummy frozen pizza and mozzarella sticks.  Yes, we should really plan to pace ourselves with that Easter candy.....

3. In my Easter bonnet...err dress that is. We searched for an Easter dress for little punkers, but couldn't find exactly the right I decided to try making it..that will be a next week project --- don't worry this isn't the fabric I'll be using....or the baby.... just the pattern.


4. Spring break: Okay, so I don't really have a picture of this...but spring break is for follow me with the Cora sleeping pic. :)  "spring break" here has meant freezing rain and snow for the most part, but no students so things are a little more chill.  HOWEVER, the downside of no students means high productivity...which means that list of tasks you've been putting off or dreading...yea, it's time to put on your boots and wade in.

5. March Madness: yea for brackets and basketball games! Don't worry I am DEAD LAST in all of my brackets. Cora, is actually doing pretty well.  Here she and "apa" are getting ready to cheer on the cats today!

1 comment:

Brandi Buzzard Frobose said...

Most adorable little girl ever - go Cats!