1. Andy was out of town this week -- aka....there was no one to steal my stuff. yea, why wouldn't he want to wear my sunglasses?
2. I made baby girl and Easter dress....which I forgot to take a picture this picture represents her previous lack of Easter dress....and her love for being sans clothing.
3. Baby chicks! Although I hate chickens --- they are smelly and dirty and always flapping around -- I love "farm" fresh eggs. So 8 thumbs up to the parentals for getting chickens. Plus J-dizzle and the 2 little-dizzles really like them.
4. Baby smiles. I mean seriously. Baby. Smiles.
5. Sugar cookies. These yummy treats await us on Sunday. My dad even got in on the action to show us everything we were doing wrong wand how to "follow the lines on the cookie cutter"....but he didn't really get that you did just eat every cookie that you frosted. So his help was short lived. This was his 1st masterpiece....before he ate it.
Happy Friday and Happy Easter!!!