Monday, October 3, 2011

Behold your future.

I had a meeting on Saturday morning in which we were all joking about the number of purple pens in our lives...when one friend discovered...count them:

That's right SIX DIFFERENT PURPLE PENS in her purse..and multiples of some which are not pictured.  We all had a good laugh and moved about our day.

Then comes Sunday.  (dun dun dun) When Andy and I were assisting in the cleaning our of my grandparent's house....

where we discovered (among many, many, many other collections not pictured) a box full of wheels and castors:

A huge overflowing box of ....paint sticks?

wait for it...

not 1.

not 2.

but THREE BOXES of pinecones.

 (yes, pine cones.)

hey, at least their labeled.
< I love things that are labeled.eek.>

So needless to say, as I was looking back at the purple pen suddenly struck me that it was less funny...and more...let's say more of a gateway drug to a larger problem.

Jackie - behold your future. :)

and probably mine too.

Arnold cousins -- I can't wait for Christmas.  You'll never guess what you're getting!!!

more to come on the house cleaning treasure finds.

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