Monday, February 15, 2010

going green!

After this weekend's run I decided I simply could not run in my old shoes another day! I have been running over 10 miles a week in them for over a year....yea...long overdue to get some new shoes....

The best part....they are GREEN....not blue like EVERY OTHER SHOE MADE FOR WOMEN.....yay! So excited!

(I promise I did not choose them based on the was just coincidence....but it did make me happy)


E said...

Yay for new shoes! I am sure your legs thank you.
We should run together sometime, you in your new green shoes, me in my semi-new blue shoes...which totally proves your point about women's shoes being blue :)

Sandy said...

Yes, we should run together...but I am very you might have to run backwards.....

Sandy said...

Also, why are you up at 5:59 in the morning?