Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sandy's new bike!!

Yay! We are so excited, Sandy got a bike! After some shopping trips to local bike shops, a lot of test riding, and putting some sales people through some very long and strung out question and answer periods (by me of course) Sandy decided on a Giant Yukon. "Luna" or "Neptune" (Sandy hasn't quite decided) became a member of the family on Saturday. Looks like a nice bike, eh? It is! But why the picture of the bike upside down? Well... on our first ride, we were about 6 miles from home and suddenly Sandy's rear tire went flat! So I pedaled home to get the truck and came back to find her with another flat tire! Two flat tires! Yes, BOTH tires went flat on the first ride! Turns out thorny stickers aren't a good thing for a tube. So her bike is on the injured/reserve list until I pick up some new tubes. But we sure are excited about her bike!

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