Monday, June 4, 2012

this is why we can't be friends: measurement

So a few weeks ago I had to do a health assessment as part of our health insurance for work -- do it and you get a big discount.  So I walk into the room and the nurse says,

"Hi, pretty quick today, just going to measure your cholesterol, do height, weight and WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE."

Great.  What pregnant girl doesn't want to get her waist circumference.

Well, since then, Andy has taken it upon himself to continue to measure my waist circumference.  He thinks it's the funniest thing ever to tell people he is using his "100-foot flexible tape measure" to measure me.

Given it's Andy maybe I should just be happy he isn't using a biltmore stick....

oy vey. 

this is why we can't be friends.

1 comment:

Rosemary Boggs said...

I just found your blog site. I am laughing so hard the tears are rolling down my face! From now on when I see Andy, I will see him measuring you with his tape measurer!