Friday, June 29, 2012


So the giant bouncy ball on my desk rolled off the back the other day....

and landed clear at the back against the wall.

I've been willing it to roll out on it's own.

No luck so far.

What's that?  Why yes, I have spent 100x as long pouting, sighing, blogging, and thinking about this great injustice a it would have taken me to crawl under my desk and get it.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

wordizzle from baby j: foodie

So I woke up the other day and I thought, "Why isn't a shame that so many people don't know where their food comes from?"

Then I thought, "Hmmm. I shall henceforth only eat food that I pick myself" these yummy garden peas...

 I also demand that my food be cooked right in front of me....and that there be fire involved.

hibachi rules!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

wordizzle from baby j: my new rides

My grandpa is gonna help a brother out by pimpin' out that bus in the background..


to be my new tailgating ride, yo!  Here's me in it:....

 He also hooked me up with that fly tractor above --- that's why I'm wearing a seed cap -- but gangsta style.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

hang in there....

I was TRAUMATIZED...heading home from church this weekend....

driving along when THIS LITTLE GUY:

CRAWLED around my mirror!!!!!!!!!

 THEN CRAWLED ONTO THE WINDOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 it was so stressful... on poor Andy too, who simultaneously had to listen to my frantic pleas for our little friend to hang on, while demanding that he take photos with my phone.

but HE MADE IT all the way home without flying off!! 
good work little buddy! I hope you like your new home...

unless you actually rode all the way into church with us, then back which case...

stay off my car, idiot.

Monday, June 25, 2012

it's the little things in life...

It's the little things in life that can really get you down....

like last week when someone at work was trying to eat a snack of wheat crackers with cheese.....

After she opened the package she realized there was NO CHEESE...just a package full of wheat crackers.

that would push me over the edge.


I wouldn't be able to deal with that kind of disappointment. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

I go to college: hold your horses

As I was walking into work on Saturday morning for new student orientation and enrollment I see:


Because why wouldn't you ride your horse around on the campus sidewalks?  

Sorry the photo is so small.

Wordizzle from Baby J: Orlando

Jordan meets Orlando!

Monday, June 4, 2012

this is why we can't be friends: measurement

So a few weeks ago I had to do a health assessment as part of our health insurance for work -- do it and you get a big discount.  So I walk into the room and the nurse says,

"Hi, pretty quick today, just going to measure your cholesterol, do height, weight and WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE."

Great.  What pregnant girl doesn't want to get her waist circumference.

Well, since then, Andy has taken it upon himself to continue to measure my waist circumference.  He thinks it's the funniest thing ever to tell people he is using his "100-foot flexible tape measure" to measure me.

Given it's Andy maybe I should just be happy he isn't using a biltmore stick....

oy vey. 

this is why we can't be friends.


You know you are really getting evicted when someone else puts their name in front of your house. :)